Create an optimized logistics network and effectively match required customer service levels to existing distribution networks.
Category: operatorzy
Operational solutions
Complete process auto-management. From order entry and acceptance over resource planning to full execution and freight settlement. Automated communication with carriers, customers and all other supply chain parties. Connection with pda’s, scanners, GPS and other devices.
Automatic generation of multi-criteria freight offers. Quick offer creation based on fixed cooperation terms or contracts. Templates for offers.
Customer portal
Instant electronic customer order transmission. Complete order status notification and alerts. Versatile search engine and sort keys.
Carrier portal
Automated and standardized order transfer to carriers. Status updates. Automated self-billing process for transport and associated services.
EDI module
Reducing time consuming and expensive manual exchange of documents, files and messages. Electronic data exchange improves the information availability, quality and completeness. It substantially reduces cost throughout the supply chain and becomes more and more a condition to participate in or deliver services to that supply chain.
Full automation
Efficient and effective handling of all aspects such as order management, planning, resource selection and management, freight and services settlement.
Preselection and complexity
Selection of appropriate means of transport and service providers. Complex price / performance evaluations to assure the best adapted performance level.
Integrated planning
Enables essential operations such as optimized transport planning, load planning. Complex situations with multiple terminals and warehouses supported.
Monitoring and control
Optilo informs the user real time about any deviation from the plan. Immediate response to any possible disruption or incident such as delays, unplanned stops etc. Optilo looks at the future and acts before it happens!